The matted hair and the bushy beard that had hidden him from the world for over a year are long gone! A clean-shaved, neatly dressed, sauve and handsome Arya made the evening extra fun for several regular gamers at Blur. He put up a good fight and won two of the five rounds. Each time, he was competing against nine others selected from a heap of entries. Most of them being super good at the game, Arya had to summon all his focus amidst the lightning flashes of cameras and the squealing fans. But once he found his pace, he was unstoppable. Blur today was a blur of noises and smiling faces – there were no true losers, because in the end, everybody has a good time and even got the chance to get clicked with Arya, who has become hot property since his brilliant performance in Naan Kadavul.
After nearly forty minutes of fun behind the wheel, Arya humoured the press by answering a few questions and posing for pictures. He said that working on Naan Kadavul had brought him into contact with all kinds of people which had opened up his mind and soul, teaching him to be more thankful for what he has, and more compassionate towards those who have next to nothing. For an actor, he said, Naan Kadavul proved a great and intense learning experience that has further whetted his acting skills. He also added that he was totally impressed with the recently-released music of Sarvvam and was as eager as everyone else for the movie's release.

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